
"Close-up of computer terminal displaying code and directory listings, highlighting cybersecurity and programming concepts."

How to Create CLI Utilities with Python

Introduction In a world dominated by graphical user interfaces (GUIs), command-line interface (CLI) tools remain a powerful way to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance productivity. From system administration to data processing, CLI applications provide efficiency, flexibility, and speed that GUIs often lack. Python, with its simplicity and extensive ecosystem, is one of the best

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"Einstein's equation E=mc² written in chalk on a blackboard, symbolizing the theory of relativity and physics concepts."

How to use Python Math Operators

Understanding the Python Math Operators is very important. You use these operators throughout the Python language whether it be concatenating strings, doing basic algebra, complex calculus, or delving into data science. In this article, we will cover the basics of doing math with python including how to do multiplication, division, addition subtraction, exponents, and orders

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"Colorful educational wooden blocks with numbers on a table, ideal for children's learning and play activities."

Python Number data types

Today we will discuss the different kinds of number variables in Python. How to interact with them, and what they are used for. There are four kinds of numbers in the Python language: Integers Integers are the basic kinds of numbers in any programming language. Integers are whole numbers, which means they do not have

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"Person tying pink shoelaces on running shoes while kneeling on a brick path outdoors, preparing for exercise or jogging."

Python String Operations

A string is one of the many data types in Python. Some of the other common ones are objects, lists, integers, and dates. At its core, a string is really a list/array of characters. Today we will be Python String Operations. We will cover how to Concatenate, Tokenize, Manipulate, Search strings, and create string templates.

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"Adorable puppy in a cup, symbolizing how Python objects and classes contain and manage data."

Python Objects and Classes

Python is an Objected Oriented programming language. This means that Python has a data type called objects. Today we will discuss what objects are; how are objects relate to classes; and when you should use objects and classes. What are Objects? Objects are containers that hold a collection of attributes and functions. As an example,

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