Error Handling in Python: Try, Except, With, and Finally Explained

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Mastering Python Error Handling: Navigating With, Try, Except, and Finally

In the vast world of programming, effective error handling is crucial for building robust applications. Python, renowned for its simplicity and power, offers a unique approach to managing errors and exceptions. This article delves into the core concepts of error handling in Python, including the strategic use of With, Try, Except, and Finally statements. We’ll compare Python’s methodology to the traditional Try/Catch blocks used in other programming languages, providing a clear understanding of how Python ensures your programs not only fail gracefully but also maintain reliability under various error conditions.

By exploring practical examples and best practices, you will learn how to harness these tools to write cleaner, more reliable code. Additionally, we’ll guide you through the creation of custom exceptions and discuss how to make error messages more helpful to users, enhancing the overall robustness of your applications. Whether you are a beginner looking to understand the basics or an experienced programmer aiming to refine your error handling strategies, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to handle errors in Python proficiently.

Table of Contents

What is Error Handling?

Error handling is a critical aspect of software development that involves implementing specific measures to manage and respond to potential errors during the execution of a program. This proactive approach helps ensure that your application can gracefully handle unexpected situations without crashing.

In the course of running a program, numerous issues can arise, ranging from user input errors to file access problems, or even more complex issues like network interruptions. For example, attempting to open a non-existent file or receiving malformed data from a user could disrupt normal operations. Without proper error handling, such events would lead to program crashes, resulting in a poor user experience and potentially even data loss.

The purpose of error handling is not just to prevent crashes, but to allow the program to either recover from an error or terminate gracefully. Effective error handling can provide informative feedback to the user, log errors for further analysis, and maintain the integrity of program execution under adverse conditions.

By integrating error handling code into your applications, you’re not only improving their robustness and reliability but also enhancing security and maintainability. When implemented correctly, error handling can help a program to continue running smoothly in the face of minor bugs and provide clear information on what went wrong, thereby supporting smoother debugging and maintenance.

In Python, error handling is primarily achieved using constructs like try, except, finally, and with statements. These tools give you the flexibility to catch potential errors, handle them appropriately, and ensure that your program’s resources are properly cleaned up.

In the following sections, we will explore how to effectively use these Python constructs to manage errors more effectively, ensuring your applications are robust, user-friendly, and secure.

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Error Handling Methods

Python offers several mechanisms to handle errors gracefully: the try, except, finally, and with statements. Each of these plays a vital role in robust error management. By understanding and implementing these methods correctly, you can ensure that your Python programs handle unexpected issues efficiently and maintain smooth execution.

Try/Catch Statements

In many languages, you use Try/Catch statements for error handling. In C# for example, you might write some code that looks like this:

string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteText.txt");

Catch(exception e){

The above code will attempt to read the txt file. If it cannot read the file, it will throw an exception. The catch code block then catches that exception into variable e. And uses the console.writeline method to print the exception onto the console. That way you can see what happened.

If you didn’t put in the try/catch blocks, the exception would have still been shown on the screen, but the application would have crashed and you have had to re-launch it. Sometimes on your computer, you might get an error about an un-caught exception right before your program closes. Those are cases like this one where the method was not in a try block of code.

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Python Try, Exception & Finally Statements (Python Try catch)

Python does not have try/catch blocks. Instead, python has try/exception blocks. They really do the same thing but have different names.

Let’s look at an example written in python:

  f = open(“test.txt", 'r')
  data =
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
  print("All Done")

In the above script, we start the try statement and we attempt to execute the code in that section. If it succeeds, it will print the text trying. It will then jump down to the finally section and print Finally! followed by “All Done” on the console.

If the above script is not able to open the test.txt file, it will throw an exception and print “FIddleSticks!” to the console, followed by Finally.

The next logical question about these statements are what are the roles of each section?

  • The Try code block is the code you really want to execute.
  • The exception code block is the bit of code that you want to execute in the event you get an error while executing the code in the try code block.
  • The Finally code block is code that you want to execute regardless of the outcome.

Using Multiple Except Clauses

You may find that simply writing fiddlesticks when you have an error is not all that helpful. You need to capture the error so you can write it to a log file, or maybe you want to display the error on the screen.

Lets try executing this code in our python script:

f = open(“test.txt", 'r')
data =

The above script will read test.txt and print the contents to the console. Unfortunately, if test.txt does not exist, you will get an error like this one:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test.txt'

Notice the type of error is IOError. That is helpful because we can create an exception block of code specifically around IOErrors. Lets look at how we would write that code:

  f = open(“test.txt", 'r')
  data =
Except IOError as e:
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
print("All Done")

The above code will attempt to run what is in the try block. If it failed with an IOError, it will run the code in the except block. In this case, it will print out the error saying something about how it could not open or close a file. It will then run the finally code block when everything is finished.

If we want to have different logic for different kinds of exceptions, we could keep adding similar code like the code below.  Notice we call out each type of exception. Then we have the option to have a different remediation step for each exception type.

  f = open("test.txt", 'r')
      data =
    except IOError as e:
    except ValueError as e:
    except EOFError as e:
      print(“unknown error”)
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
  print("All Done")

In the case of our example above, we are doing the exact same logic for each exception, so we might as well consolidate the exception handling into a single exception line.  That would look like this:

  f = open("test.txt", 'r')
  data =
except (IOError, ValueError, EOFError) as e:
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
  print("All Done")

In the above example, we will print out the exception if it matches IOError, Valueerror, or EOFError. If it does not match any of those, it will print out Fiddlesticks. Here are a few of the most common exceptions you may want to handle:

  • IOError – file cannot be opened
  • ImportError – cannot find the specified module
  • EOFError – When the input reaches the end of a file and no more data can be read
  • ValueError – function receives an argument that has the right type but an invalid value
  • KeyboardInterrupt – User hits the interrupt key (Ctrl+D or Ctrl+C)

Or if you want a more comprehensive list of Python Exceptions You check look here.

Creating Custom Exceptions

In the previous section, we. were focused on handling exceptions using the exceptions that are built-in to Python. However, as you are developing your application, you will most likely encounter situations where you want to handle exceptions a bit differently. This is when you would create your own custom exceptions.

To handle your own custom Exceptions, you have to create a class for each exception type. Then put in some code for what to do when that exception has occurred. The most basic of exception classes looks like this:

class MyError(Exception):

raise MyError("Test Exception!")

**Note the pass statement is there just for syntax reasons. You could put additional code there instead.

If you run the above code, you will see output that says Test Exception, like this:

Now that we know the basics to create our own custom exception. Let’s start with a new example. We have a basic math function that just adds numbers together and returns the sum:

def addnumbers(x,y):
    return x+y


When we run the code above, the output is the number 5. Now let’s say that we want to throw an exception if someone passes in the number 3. We can create a custom exception that lets the user of our function know that we don’t allow the number 3 as an input. Then we can add some code to check if the number 3 was passed in, and raise an exception in that case.

class BadNumbersError(Exception):

def addnumbers(x,y):
    if x ==3:
        raise BadNumbersError("We don't like the number 3")
    return x+y


In the code above, you can see we created a class called BadNumbrersError. Then in our function, we added a check. If x==3, then raise a BadNumbersError exception and pass in the text “We don’t like the number 3”.

Next, we call our function and pass in values of 3 and 2. WIthout this new exception, the output would be the number 5. But now that we have added in our exception when you run the code, you should see what our new custom exception looks like.

As you can see, we trigger our exception and present a message to the user that says that we don’t like the number 3 when calling this function.

Python With statements

With statements can be used with try/catch statements to reduce the amount of code you need to write for handling different kinds of errors.

With statements call the __Enter__ and __Exit__ functions that are part of a given class. An example of this is with the File open class.

To properly handle errors when opening files, you would need some code similar to this:

  f = open(“test.txt", 'r')
      data =
    except IOError as e:
      print(“unknown error”)
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
  print("All Done")

Before we get into the with statements, lets examine this code a bit. In the previous sections, we wrote some code to catch exceptions when opening a file. But the other issue is what happens if we have an issue after the file is already open. We need to make sure we close the file. We could put that in the finally section at the very bottom. But that will throw an exception if the original file never successfully opened. The result is this big mess of nested try/except statements to hopefully catch all of the different scenarios you may encounter.

Lucky for us, the makers of Python came out with a With Statement. Like I said previously, a with statement has an __enter__ and an __exit__ function that it calls at the beginning and the end of the statement. This allows some of that code to be removed from the big try/except mess I demonstrated above. An example of a with statement can be seen below:

with open(“test.txt”,r) as f:

The above text will still throw an exception if test.txt does not exist. However, we no longer have to remember to call f.close when we are all finished with the file. If we do have the file open and an error occurs, the with statement will handle closing out the file handles for me. What this means is we can use the with statement in conjunction with our try/except code blocks to give us cleaner looking code. Let’s look at another example:

  with open(“test.txt", 'r’) as f:
    data =
Except IOError as e:
  print("Fiddlesticks! Failed")
print("All Done")

Notice the above example looks a lot like our original example. It is the same number of lines, and it is still very readable. However, it gives us similar functionality to the second example with the nested try/except loops.


In today’s article we discussed What is Error handling, What is the role of Try/Catch code blocks. How to set up exceptions, how to create our own custom extensions, and what a with statement does for us.

Error handling is a very important part of writing good software. Software without proper error handling will be unstable, and may not give good output when invalid input is entered into it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when an exception occurs in Python? When an exception occurs, Python stops the normal flow of execution and transfers control to the nearest enclosing try block. From there, the corresponding except block handles the exception and may log an error message.

What is the purpose of the else clause in Python exception handling? The else clause in a try-except block runs code that should only execute if no exceptions were raised in the try block. It is useful for defining operations that depend on the successful execution of the try block, ensuring clean separation from the else block.

What is an exception class in Python? An exception class in Python defines the types of errors that can occur. For example, built-in exceptions like IOError or ValueError are predefined exception classes, while you can also create user-defined exceptions by subclassing the Exception base class.

How do I create custom exceptions in Python? To create custom exceptions, define a new class that inherits from Python’s Exception class. For example:

class MyCustomError(Exception):

You can then raise exceptions of this type using the raise keyword.

What is the purpose of the finally block? The finally block ensures that specific code runs no matter what happens in the try block. It executes code regardless of whether exceptions occurred, ensuring no reliance on handling only the exceptions.

What are built-in exceptions in Python? Built-in exceptions are predefined error types in Python, such as SyntaxError, ValueError, and IOError. These help identify specific issues in code, making exception handling more precise.

How do I handle multiple exceptions in Python? You can handle multiple exceptions in a single except block by using a tuple of exception types:

# Code that may raise exceptions
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:

What is the syntax of a Python try-except block? The basic syntax of a Python try statement is:

# Code that may cause an exception
except ExceptionType as e:
# Code to handle the exception
# Code to run if no exception occurs
# Code to run regardless of an exception

What is the difference between finally and finally clause? The finally clause refers to the part of the try structure that contains the finally block. It ensures code execution regardless of whether an exception was raised or not.

What is a syntax error in Python? A syntax error occurs when Python cannot parse your code because it violates the language’s grammar rules. Unlike runtime errors, these are detected before the program runs.

How does Python handle exceptions in with statements? The with statement in Python simplifies resource management, such as opening and closing files. It can be combined with exception handling to ensure resources are released, even if an exception occurs.

What are user-defined exceptions in Python? User-defined exceptions are custom error types that you can create for specific application requirements by defining a subclass of Exception. These allow for more granular error management.

What is the raise keyword used for in Python? The raise keyword is used to explicitly trigger an exception. For example:

raise ValueError("Invalid input")

What are exceptions in Python, and why are they important? Exceptions in Python are events that disrupt the normal flow of a program. Handling them ensures your code runs robustly, even in the face of unexpected errors.

When should you not use try-except in Python? Avoid using try-except as a means to ignore exceptions or as a substitute for proper program logic. It should not be used for controlling normal flow of the program but rather for handling genuine exceptional conditions that are unpredictable.

What is the impact of using too many try-except blocks in Python? Overusing try-except blocks can make the code harder to read and maintain, potentially masking logical errors that should be handled differently (e.g., with conditional statements). It can also lead to performance overhead if used excessively in critical code paths.

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